
“You have to live with it” – Rosenkranz wants to keep going to the Academic Ball

“You have to live with it” – Rosenkranz wants to keep going to the Academic Ball

IKG doesn’t want to “compromise”
Rosenkranz’s involvement in Libertas is also a reason why Muzicant continues to reject him as chairman of the National Fund, Cemetery Fund and Wiesenthal Prize Committee bodies, as he explained in an open letter. Libertas had been one of the first fraternities to introduce an “Arian clause” and later – like many other Austrian fraternities – had refused to take the path of denazification, unlike the German fraternities. Once again, Muzicant also criticized Rosenkranz for describing the Nazis as “high achievers” in a Libertas anthology. “We have decided to help build a new, different Austria that clearly and unambiguously distances itself from National Socialist ideas,” said the IKG president. “Therefore, there can be no compromise for us on this issue.”