
David Pucheu, chercheur in sciences de l’information: «Bitcoin is part of the American counter-culture logic»

David Pucheu, chercheur in sciences de l’information: «Bitcoin is part of the American counter-culture logic»

7 min. of lecture

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C’est l’année de tous les records pour le bitcoin. L’élection présidentielle américaine en a fait un jeu politique et la victoire de Donald Trump, who promised a more accommodating regulatory approach, has propelled cryptomonnaie au-delà du seuil des 100,000 dollars. Institutions are further exposed through bitcoin-based index funds, participating à la folle involée.

Le Temps he spoke with David Pucheu, a researcher at the University of Bordeaux Montaigne in information and communication sciences, who is closely interested in the evolution of cryptocurrencies. Opportunity to replace this lightning trajectory in a historical perspective plus big.

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