
El PNV will seek to extend the officiality of the elections of vessels and other disciplines

El PNV will seek to extend the officiality of the elections of vessels and other disciplines

“Es un derecho que nos correspondía, algo que hay que acceptar con normalidad política, sobre todo si se es mócrata. A partir de ahí, es un paso más. ¿El último? No. ¿Nos conformamos con ello? No. Pero hasta now it was useless.. Thus, the PNV illustrated the agreement reached with the Spanish Government to introduce in the Ley del Deporte, that it was finally approved, a threat because in the selection of pelota and surf vessels it can compete in international level competitions by virtue of you . arraigo histórico”, y que finalmente ha salido aprobada. Bajo este focus has developed today in Congress he debate in the tower of this norm with the groups divided between a PSOE that called for “territorial cohesion” that can provide a step of these characteristics and that they will dispatch – mainly, the PP – against “las concessiones al nacionalismo, por encima del honor y de la historia del deporte español”. Tras la luz verde en la Cámara baja sin el consenso 166 votes in favor, 157 votes against –PP, Vox, Ciudadanos y Junts– and 18 abstentions –las de ERC, Bildu and BNG–), the Ley del Deporte will now continue to be processed in the Senado with minimal variations, without substance, towards approval definitive.