
États-Unis : victime d’une cyberattacke, le département du Trésor american accuses China

États-Unis : victime d’une cyberattacke, le département du Trésor american accuses China

There would be no risk to classified items. But le département américain du Trésor nevertheless announced on Monday, in a courier addressed to the electorate of the Chambre des représentants que l’AFP consulted, it was the victim of a cyber attack early December.

According to this letter, the attack concerned several jobs au sein du Trésor, passing through software levels, Beyond trustet aurait été réalisée, “selon les indications disponibles, par un acteur soutenu financier par la Chine”.

Le “corrupted software” retired

“As soon as the service provider alerted the Treasury, we contacted the Agency for Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security and work with law enforcement to determine the most consequences of the intrusion,” he said. dans un communiqué un porte-parole du ministère. “Le logiciel corruptu a été retiredé and no element allows to consider that l’intrus could continue à avoir accès aux systèmes informatiques du Trésor”, he added.

According to the details provided by the Treasurer in his courier aux élus, the computer hackers succeeded in stealing a coded key giving access to the logician in question, which allowed them to circumvent the security systems and remote access to various computers. Il s’agit cependant d’un “incident majeur de sécurité informatique”, recognizes the ministry, which obliges it to inform the electorate.

The difficulty of attributing a cyberattack

Il prevoit d’apporter des détails supplémentaires within a period of 30 days, as provided by the law of 2014 in the computer security of federal government systems. L’attribution d’une cyberattaque is very difficult to achieve the technique, du fait des nombreuses techniques employées par les pirates to open their tracks, et politiquement sensible.

What is not the case at the first time that the United States, or certains de ses alliés, accuse Pékin of being behind what type of action. Last March, Washington, London and Wellington avait ainsi accusse la Chine d’être derrière une série d’attaques ayant visé leurs publics institutions ces dernières années, an accusation rejected by Beijing, which judged it “totally unfounded” and qualified as “slander”.