
Vulgarisation and communication sexospécifique des informations du Report 2023 du BVG: LUCEG-Mali organizes an exchange day!

Vulgarisation and communication sexospécifique des informations du Report 2023 du BVG: LUCEG-Mali organizes an exchange day!

Vulgarisation and communication sexospécifique des informations du Report 2023 du BVG: LUCEG-Mali organizes an exchange day!


Date: il ya 15 heures

The Maeva Palace in Bamako hosted, on Tuesday, December 24, 2024, an exchange day organized by the projet d’appui à la lutte contre la corruption pour et par l’égalité des genres (LUCEG), financed by Affaires mondiales Canada et mis en œuvre par l’École Nationale d’Administration Publice du Québec (ENAP).
At the opening ceremony of the works, it was provided by the representative of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, in the presence of the director of the payment of the LUCEG project and the president of the special delegation of the CIV. This workshop had an objective of raising awareness and popularizing the information contained in the 2023 Report of the Bureau du Vérificateur Général (BVG), in the integration of a specific sexual perspective. Après les mots de bienvenue du president de la delegation spéciale, Dramane Yacouba Diallo, Chargé de mission de l’ENAP et Directeur du Projet LUCEG au Mali, explained that la vulgarization du rapport du Vérificateur Général allows a wide audience, and includes ceux. qui n’ont pas de formation spécialisée, de comprendre les enjeux de la transparency et de la receivabilité dans la gestion publique. According to him, le Bureau du Vérificateur Général plays a crucial role in the establishment of public management in Mali, contributing to transparency and the fight against corruption. “Le BVG leads to financial verification, compliance and performance, which allows the detection of administrative and financial irregularities. These checks are crucial for the identifier of corruption, la mauvaise gestion or l’inefficacy dans l’utilisation des fonds publics », he underlined.

À lire aussi

The representative of the Ministry of Justice welcomed this initiative of the LUCEG project, also confirming the commitment of the Malian authorities to fight against corruption in all its forms. Financed by Affaires mondiales Canada and implemented by ENAP, the LUCEG project aims to integrate gender equality in the fight against corruption in Mali. It relies on close collaboration with civil society organizations (OSC) and institutions like OCLEI.

Source: Malijet

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