
Top 7 cyber trends for 2025 ·

Top 7 cyber trends for 2025 ·

Analyze des tendances et menaces cyber 2025, avec les evolutions and risks redefinissant le paysage de la cybersecurité.

Top 7 cyber trends for 2025

Découvrons les prévisions du paysage de la cybersecurité in 2025 and les défis en constante évolution according to HarfangLab. La menace cyber 2025 must not be underestimated!

The progression of internet balkanization and techno-nationalism

Political, economic, military tensions, nationalist approaches and new regulatory frameworks lead to more Internet fragmentation (1).

Tentatives and compromise discoveries of open-source projects

Des attaques de projecte open-source tells that XZ Utils have demonstrated the feasibility, the interest and the potential d’effet of telles compromises. Ceci could encourage more actors à tenter leur chance, affecting numerous software approval chaînes.

Exploitation of autonomous AI agents

The use of autonomous artificial intelligence solutions should be encore developed in 2025. sensitive data.

Empoisonnement de données d’apprentissage IA à des fins d’influence

Conversational agents based on large language models are becoming the universal information access interface. Thus, the injection of specifically designed data into the information spaces used by such models for their learning can lead to the persistence of alternative narratives and the support of long-term information manipulation operations.

Enabling malware already pre-positioned for more attacks in 2025

Des attaques informatiques mobilisant an advanced arsenal composed of “zero-day” vulnerabilities and des techniques de compromission sans interaction were discovered in 2024, but they do not pass directly product d’effet notoire, laissant supposed a pre-positionnement de malwares pouvant être activité pour carry out strategic operations à plus fortes conséquences in 2025.

More mobilized private enterprises and civil societies

Private enterprises, civil organizations and even individuals may take more part in cyber conflicts, as proxies or direct actors. États, agences de renseignement et entreprises could mobiliser pour exposer des actifs ennemis ou influence l’opinion publique, all while preserving a plausible deni (2). Frustrated by perceived government inaction, civil society could also act autonomously and directly against cyber threats or disinformation campaigns.

Grande manipulation des networks

Exploitation of Internet infrastructures by states or private actors to manipulate, intercept or disrupt traffic should be intensified. Internet access providers could block or slow down services during sensitive events, while traffic hijacking could target cryptographic transactions or methadone mining.

(1) On voit d’ailleurs d’ores et déjà cette forecast se concrétiser avec les attempts de la Russie de «creare un souverain Internet»:

(2) The I-SOON campaign, analyzed this year by the research team, is an illustration of a case of possible exploitation of leaks for the purpose of exposing the capabilities of adversaries.

Source: Rapport – Threatscape 2025 Report – HarfangLab

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